New Required Notice: Notice of Rights and Responsibilities
Significant changes to the 2013 MRL
Civil Code Section 798.15 requires management to either provide all homeowners with a copy of the new Civil Code by February 1 of each year, or provide a written notice to all homeowners that there has been a change to the Civil Code and that the homeowner may obtain a copy of that code from management at no charge.
While it’s at the discretion of each community to provide either a copy of the new law or a notice that there has been a change(s), we do recommend that all community owners and managers have sufficient 2013 Civil Codes ready for the coming year so that they can be attached to and part of all new rental agreements entered into in the coming year.
However, please be aware that there are several significant changes to the Mobilehome Residency Law for 2013, including Assembly Bill 2150 (Atkins), which requires a new form to be handed out. The new notice lists the “top ten” key rights and responsibilities of residents under the MRL, and must be provided to all homeowners prior to February 1 of each year, and it must be included with any new rental agreement in a manufactured housing community.
Accordingly, WMA now has the Notice of Rights and Responsibilities form available for members to purchase and to WMA Forms Online subscribers. See Item #176 on the order form linked on this page, or you can login and go to to place your order online.
Don’t miss out on other new laws and requirements for 2013. Watch our website for an announcement in mid-November for information regarding the 2013 Update of News Laws January seminar schedule.