In this section you will find the current Utility Rates Summary,
news regarding utility system transfers, PG&E rate case,
DIMP, and other utility news, contact information for various
utility companies and other resources.
HCD has developed this installation and inspection document to
assist HCD inspectors, contractors and parkowners with the CPUC
Pilot Program. If you have been selected for the program,
you will be interested in this document.
In the recently decided PG&E General Rate Case, in which
PG&E requested to revise their electric marginal costs,
revenue allocations and rate design, the California Public
Utilities Commission voted 4-0 on December 15, 2011 to reduce the
PG&E discount paid to master-metered manufactured housing
community owners under their Electric Tariff ET by $9.14 per
space per month to $2.40.The $2.40 rate was later reduced by
PG&E in a “true up” calculation to $2.35 per space per month,
an unprecedented 80% reduction in the discount.The current
discount of $11.54 per space per month dat