
Capitol Update
By Chris Wysocki

Legislature Moving Quickly, Destination Remains Unknown

This week, there has been a flurry of activity in the State Capitol. A total of 13 policy committees held hearings on proposed laws, 15 budget subcommittees met to review proposed budgets of various state government agencies and departments, and eight informational hearings were held on many matters — energy, insurance, water and several other topics.

The recent launch of Governor Newsom’s “This is Gavin Newsom” podcast has caused much angst among the progressive legislators in Sacramento. In his first episode, Governor Newsom departed from the progressive wing of the Democrat Party by stating his position that men should not participate in women’s sporting events.

Many pundits question whether the Governor’s podcast and his attempt to become publicly known as a moderate is a first step on his run for President. To watch a recent report by longtime NBC LA news anchor Conan Nolan about the attempted transformation of Governor Newsom, click here.

It is one thing to talk like a moderate, but will he govern as one by using his veto pen more often?  Only time will tell, but progressives who control the Senate and Assembly are not too pleased with the Governor’s new perspective.

Committees Prepare for March Madness and April Agony

Legislators this year introduced over 2,300 bills, each of which must be vetted by at least one policy committee and passed to either the Appropriations Committee or the full Senate or Assembly by May 9.  For bills with a fiscal impact, the deadline is May 2.

The two committees with jurisdiction over issues of primary concern to WMA are the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee – both of which will be among the busiest committees, with over 100 bills in each committee being analyzed, debated and voted on in the coming weeks.

The Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee has only four hearings remaining before the May 9 policy deadline and only three hearings before the fiscal deadline.  The Senate Judiciary Committee has eight remaining hearings before the May 9 policy deadline and seven hearings before the fiscal deadline.

In addition to the Assembly Housing and Community Development Committee and the Senate Judiciary Committee, several other bills of interest to WMA will be heard in the Senate Housing Committee, the Assembly Judiciary Committee, and a few other policy committees, depending on the topics of legislative proposals.

As of today, WMA is sponsoring five measures, supporting six important measures, and opposing at least seven proposals in the coming weeks.  To keep informed about the status and content of bills of interest to WMA, click here.

Upcoming MCM Webinar: Navigating the Application Process – March 20 

The registration deadline for the upcoming MCM Webinar is Friday, March 14.  Join us on Thursday, March 20 and hear from industry experts to guide you through best practices and common challenges in the application and onboarding process, including proper use of WMA forms.

Key topics that will be covered include:

– Processing residency applications and setting occupancy standards
– Understanding rights of occupancy, even for non-residents
– Heirs’ rights and responsibilities – knowing who is living in the community
– Recognizing the difference between pets and assistance animals

This is a must-attend session for those looking to strengthen their understanding of fair housing regulations and residency applications. 

Click here to register for this important MCM webinar.

Frank J. Evans Charitable Foundation Scholarship: Applications Now Open

The Frank J. Evans Charitable Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2025 scholarship program. This initiative provides $2,000 scholarships to college-bound high school graduates who reside in WMA-member manufactured housing communities.

The application deadline is June 30, 2025, and we encourage park managers to share this opportunity with eligible residents. In addition to financial assistance, this scholarship program helps connect recipients with state legislators, fostering positive relationships between our communities and elected officials.These scholarships are made possible through generous donations.

To learn more about how to contribute or apply, visit the Foundation’s website here

General Remarks

Over the coming weeks, be on the lookout for requests you can make when writing to your legislators about bills that affect manufactured housing communities in California.  The WMA legislative team is actively meeting with key legislators, and if it looks like votes will be close, WMA will reach out and encourage our members to engage and either write in or call their Senator or Assemblymember.

It is an honor to serve WMA and our dedicated members who work hard to provide housing opportunities for hundreds of thousands of Californians.  If you have questions about pending legislation, regulations, park tours, or anything else related to the California Legislature, please email me at or call me at the office on my direct line at 916.288.4026. 


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