Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) Updates & New Assistance Programs – County of San Diego
By Jeremy Warlick, ERAP Outreach Coordinator
Good afternoon Community Partners,
We wanted to let you know that applications for ERAP Term 2, Security Deposit Assistance Program (SDAP) and the Rental Assistance for Small Landlords program (RASL) are all open. We want to help as many renters and landlords of San Diego County as we can and we are looking for opportunities to inform rental owners of these assistance programs. We are hoping that you can share our program information with your members through your distribution lists. If your organizations have any upcoming events, we would be happy to attend either in person or virtually. We also host a Landlord Webinar twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month at 9am that provides the opportunity for your members to learn about the programs as well as ask any questions they may have. Our next webinars are 9/16 and 10/7. Attached are our program flyers, please feel free to share with your members.
The RASL program is available to landlords in San Diego County that own 5 or less rental units and have units that have at least 3 months of arrears. Based on these eligibility requirements, we would like to know approximately how many of your members fit this criteria?
Applications and eligibility information can be found on our website: www.SDHCD.org
- Landlord webinar available the 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month from 9am-10am.
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- For questions, please email eraplandlordquestions.hhsa@sdcounty.ca.gov or call (858) 694-4801