
HCD Announcement: Notice of the Park Manager Training Program Approved Regulations, Request for Third-party Providers, and Local Enforcement Agency Updates
Please note: WMA is currently reviewing the regulations and applying to become an HCD-approved third-party provider

The California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) is pleased to announce the release of the Park Manager Training Program regulations.

The regulations have been approved and filed with the Secretary of State and can be found in the California Code of Regulations, Title 25, Division 1, Section 2.3.


Apply to become an HCD Approved Third-party Provider:

If you are interested in becoming an HCD-approved third-party provider for the Park Manager Training Program, please apply online.


Local Enforcement Agency Updates

Local Enforcement Agencies will be required to electronically verify that each park within their jurisdiction has at least one certified/trained manager prior to issuing the park’s annual permit to operate.


Local Enforcement Agencies can create an account through HCD’s Codes and Standards Online Services where they will be able to view completed park manager training and update local park permit to operate information for parks within their jurisdiction. More information will be released by HCD soon.


Park Owners, Operators, and Managers 

Park managers will have until May 1, 2026, or within one year of their hire date, whichever occurs later, to meet the training and exam requirements. Once third-party providers are available to offer the training and examinations, additional information will be released by HCD.


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