
How do I become a certified MCM manager?

How do I get started in the MCM Program?

There is not an enrollment process to enter the MCM certification program. All you need to do is register, attend, and pass corresponding exams administered at WMA’s MCM seminars. Below is an example of how many units one person may earn in one year.

January: Update of New Laws, 6 units
March: MCM Course, 6 units
May: MCM Course, 6 units
August: MCM Course, 6 units
October: MCM Courses at Convention, up to 9 units
Total: 33 units

Earning the MCM Designation

To qualify for the MCM designation, a candidate must complete courses in the MCM program, totaling 60 hours or 60 MCM units.

This can be accomplished in a three-year period if all courses offered are attended. In addition, the annual Update of New Laws course in January must be successfully completed in the qualifying year of designation. Once certified, continuing education is required to maintain the designation. Courses are now presented as virtual webinars, enabling participants to complete the six hours in a user-friendly format. There are no prerequisites, so you can freely register for any course that is offered at any time. Upon award, MCM designees will be listed in the WMA Reporter. 

Please note: Courses taken and credits earned towards the WMA MCM designation do not apply to the mandatory Park Manager Training Program requirements that will be finalized and implemented by HCD.

WMA has expressed interest in becoming a third-party provider for the mandatory manager training requirements and will keep members updated on the latest developments. 

Information regarding the Park Manager Training Program can be found here:

MCM Continuing Education Requirements

MCM-certified managers must renew their certification every two years in order to maintain an active accreditation status. Renewal requirements include completion of 18 continuing education units (CEUs) every 24 months, and the Update of New Laws course in the year of renewal must be successfully completed. Taking the annual Update of New Laws course is not enough, as this only extends 12 CEUs in a 24-month period.

MCM participants are responsible for tracking their own certification and renewal progress on our website on the My MCM Profile page.

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