
HUD Announces Expanded CDBG Eligibility for Manufactured Homes: Introductory Webinar Wednesday, November 1
By MHI Policy Department

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) recently announced important updates that will help bolster our nation’s housing supply and improve housing affordability. This notice provides updated and expanded guidance on a wide range of housing-related activities that may be funded through the CDBG program – including acquisition, adaptive reuse, rehabilitation, reconstruction, housing counseling, and fair housing planning activities.

Of particular note, these updates provide clarification that manufactured housing units that are part of the community’s permanent housing stock are eligible for acquisition or direct home ownership assistance through the CDBG program.

To provide further guidance and clarification, HUD is sponsoring a four-part webinar series featuring presentations from both experts and other grantee communities to help increase understanding of how manufactured housing can be a sustainable solution to meeting a community’s affordable housing needs. The first of these webinars will be held tomorrow, November 1, from 3:00 – 4:00 PM EDT. Click here to register for the event.

If you have any questions, please contact MHI’s Policy Department at or 703-558-0675.  

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