
Please Whitelist WMA Emails

A whitelist is a list of approved or safe email addresses to help a spam filter determine whether it should allow delivery. If you are on your recipient’s whitelist, you can guarantee your emails will be received. 

If you want to make sure you receive messages from WMA, you simply need to manually add us as a contact.

How to whitelist emails

Click the gear icon in Gmail and select “See all settings” from the Quick settings menu.

Navigate to “Filters and Blocked Addresses” in the top menu.
Select “Create a new filter.”

Add a specific email or a whole domain in the “From” field.
Click “Create filter.”

Check “Never send it to Spam” in the checkbox.
Click “Create filter.”

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Frank J. Evans Charitable Foundation

(831) 475-0335
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WMA Member Benefits

May 2012 issue of Reporter magazine.
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WMA’s Reporter magazine

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